Can You Work and Receive Social Security Benefits?

Can You Work and Receive Social Security Benefits?

Considering working in retirement? That could be a wise decision. Supplemental income from a part-time or seasonal job could help you fund your expenses and support your desired lifestyle. A job could also help you fill your free time and maintain social connections....

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Can You Use Life Insurance to Give to Charity?

Can You Use Life Insurance to Give to Charity?

Are you passionate about helping charitable causes? Do you want to use your legacy to improve the lives of others? If so, you have a number of planning options available, including charitable trusts, donation of investments and outright cash gifts. One...

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3 Tips for Single Women to Retire Comfortably

3 Tips for Single Women to Retire Comfortably

The income gap between men and women has gotten much attention recently, especially with this being an election year. However, a disparity in income isn’t the only gap that women face. Single women may face greater retirement risks than their male...

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Should You Delay Social Security Past Age 70?

Should You Delay Social Security Past Age 70?

If you’re approaching retirement, Social Security is probably on your radar. You may have heard the conventional wisdom that it’s helpful to delay you filing as long as possible. The longer you wait to file, the higher your benefit is likely to be. You can...

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Lack Retirement Confidence? An Annuity May Help

Lack Retirement Confidence? An Annuity May Help

Few people know that it is only in the last 100 years that anyone, sherpas included, would have considered climbing Mount Everest. By local families around the base of Mount Everest, it was considered a place where evil spirits dwelled. A trek up “the...

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Why Your Spending May Not Decrease in Retirement

Why Your Spending May Not Decrease in Retirement

Very often, the success of one’s retirement plan is dependent upon the accuracy of the assumptions in the plan. You’ve likely made assumptions about your retirement income, your life expectancy and maybe even your need for medical care. One big assumption...

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3 Tips For Funding Long-Term Care

3 Tips For Funding Long-Term Care

You’re probably aware of the risk posed to retirees by long-term care, which is extended assistance with daily living activities such as eating, mobility and bathing. Long-term care is often provided either in a facility or in the home, and it is usually...

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